Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Planets

Sun - orange, yellow - + - gold - sunday - spiritual being.
Moon - yellow, sea green - 2, 7 - silver - monday - animal soul.
Saturday - dark brown, black - 8 - water - saturday
Jupiter - violet, purple - 3 - tin - air - thursday.
Mars - scarlet, crimson - 9 - iron - fire - tuesday - male body.
Venus - pale blue, turquoise - 6 - copper - earth - wednesday - female body.
Mercury - indigo, dark blue - 5 - quicksilver - friday - body - terrestrial soul.
Uranus - gray, black, white - uranium.
Neptune - pale blue, scarlet - lead.
Earth - humam soul.

The Moon

The moon 18 - Lucifer 15 - Death 13.

Shugara - The moon 18 - Deofel / Nocturnus 15 - Death / Nythra - 13.

Physis - Ga Wath Am 0 - Change - Nekalah 8 - War / Abatu 16.

The fool 0 - Change 8 - The tower 16.


The lovers / Kara Samsu 6 - Hel / Aosoth 14 - The star / Nemicu 17.

The lovers 6 -:Hel 14 - The star 17.


Azoth / Satanas 7 - Opfer / Vindex 12 - The master / Atazazoth 5.

Azoth 7 - The hanged man 12 - The masters 5.


The magician / Binan Ath 1 - Lord of earth / Kthunae 4 - The herm / Sauroctonas 9.

The magician 1 - Lord of earth 4 - The hermit 9.


Desire / Lidagon 11 - Mistress of earth / Davcina 3 - High Priestess / Mactoron 2.

Desire 11 - Mistress of earth 3 - The high priestess 2.


Wyrd / Azanigin 10 - The sun / Vepecula 19 - Aeon / Naos 20.

Wyrd 10 - The sun 19 - The Aeon 20

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