Saturday, February 18, 2017


Azazel taught humans to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, made known to humans the metals of the earth, the art of working the metals, making ornaments and bracelets, the use of antimony, beautifying the eyelids, all kinds of costly stones and all coloring tinctures.
Semjaza taught enchantments and root cuttings.
Armaros taught the resolving of the enchantments.
Baraqijal taught astrology.
Kokabiel taught the constellations.
Ezequeel taught the knowledge of the clouds.
Araqiel taught the signs of the earth.
Shamsiel taught the signs of the sun.
Sariel taught the courses of the moon.

Jegon was the one who led all the Sons of God, brought them down to earth and led them to the daughters of the humans.
Asbeel was the one who gave counsel to the Sons of God to marry the daughters of the humans.
Gadreel showed the humans the blows of death, seduced Eve, showed the weapons of death to the humans, the shield, the coat of mail, the sword of battle and all the weapons of death to the humans.
Penemue taught the humans the bitter and the sweet, taught humans the secrets of the wisdom and the instructions to the humans to write with ink and paper.
Kasdeeja he showed the humans all the wicked smittings of the spirits and of the demons, the smittings of the embryo of the womb, that it may pass away, the smittings of the soul, the bites of the serpents, the smittings which befall through the noontide heat and the son of the serpent Tabaet.
Kasbeel was the chief of the oath Bija.
Tabaet taught humans abortion, summoning and making pacts with the demons, out of body experiences, clavoriance and spirit traveling.

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