Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Satanic Law

This will be the Satanic Law.
As you enter in.
While withdrawing and securing the spell craft.
Throw some silver into the well.
Drugs and dances enhances the trance.
Helping the willed with vervain and dill.
Depend not upon a clock.
Persistency always persues success.
When no one persues, the guilty ones flees.
Shared power is lost power.
In secret seek your enemies.
Things are thoughts.
Whatever a man thinks.
So he is.
No one person can accomplish all.
Danger is a way to overcome another danger.
The past is fixed.
The future may become bent.
Confusion follows when communication fails.
Mortal man cannot understand somethings.
Man only accepts simplicity of such.
Go where the angels fear to walk.
The dark gods and dark goddesses will be with you.
You become big by thinking big.
Trust and love is the passwords.
Be at home everywhere in the universe.
You will get trapped if you fear of getting trapped.
So fear not and you won't.
When you think that you are alone.
Is when you are not alone.
The forerunner of failure is fear.
So fear not.
When the moon is round.
You shall abound by luck.
You shall find what you seek.
In the ground, the sky, the sea and the space.

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