Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Black Zodiacs

The tyrant - head - male - fire - sun, mercury
The fallen demon - neck - female - earth - sun, venus
The basilisk - arms - male - air - sun, mars
The serpent - breast - female - water - sun, jupiter
The war maiden - heart - male - fire - sun, saturn
The maelstrom - bowels - female - earth - sun, uranus
The ravening dog - loins - male - air - moon, neptune
The poisoned dart - excretions - female - water - moon, pluto
Orphechius - male, female - water, fire - moon, pluto, mercury
The Temptest - thighs - male - fire - moon, mercury
The leviathan - knees - female - earth - moon, venus
The horned beast - shins - male - air - moon, mars
The sword - feet, female, water - moon, jupiter

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