Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Egyptian Text

I am the mighty one who createth his own light. I have come unto thee O Osiris and purified from that which defileth thee. I adore thee. Lead on. Do not mention the name of Rastau to me. Homage to thee. O Osiris. In thy might and in thy strength in Rastau. Rise up and conquer O Osiris. Thou goest round about heaven. Thou sailest in the presence of Ra. Thou lookest upon all the beings who have knowledge. Hail Ra. Thou who goest round about in the sky. I say. O Osiris. In truth. That I am the spirit body of the God and I beseech thee not to let me be driven away. Nor to be cast upon the wall of blazing fire. Let the way be opened in Rastau. Let the pain of thee Osiris be relieved. Embrace that which the balance hath weighed. Let a path be made for thee Osiris in the great valley and let thee Osiris have light to guide him on his way.
He sitteth to carry out his heart's desire and weighed words as the second Thoth. The strength which protecteth Thoth humbleth the hidden Maati Gods. Who fed upon Maat during the years of their lives. I offer up myn offerings to him at the moment when he maketh his ways. I advance and I enter on the path. O grant thou that I may continue to advance and that I may attain the sight of Ra and of those who offer up their offerings.
I am he who is hidden in the great deep. I am the judge. I have come and I have done away the offensive thing which was upon Osiris. I tie firmly the place on which he standeth. Coming forth. I have establish things. I have opened up a way through Rastau and I releived the pain which was in Osiris. I have balanced the place where thee standeth and I have made a path for him. He shineth brilliant in Rastau.
I am the bull. The son of the ancestress of Osiris. I grant ye that his father. The lord of his God like companions. May bear witness on his behalf. I have weighed the guilty in judgement. I have brought unto his nostrils the life which is everlasting. I am the son of Osiris. I have accomplished the journey. I have advanced.
I have brought unto thee the jawbone in Rastau. I have brought unto thee the backbone of Anu. I have gathered together his manifold members thereign. I have driven back Apep for thee. I have spit upon the wounds in his body. I have made myself a path among you. I am the aged one among the Gods. I have made offerings to Osiris. I have defended him with the word of truth. I have gsthered together his bones and have collected all his members.
I have come daily. I have come nightly. I have made myself a way. I have advanced over that which was created by Anubis. I am the Lord of the Urrt Crown. I am the possessor of the knowledge of the words of power. I am the avenger according to law. I have avenged the injury to his eye. I have defended Osiris. I have accomplished my journey. The Osiris Ani advanceth with you with the word which is truth.
I have come unto thee. O Osiris. Being purified from foul emissions. Thou goest round about heaven. Thou seest Ra. Thou seest the beings who have knowledge. Hail. Thou one. Behold. Thou art in the Sektet Boat which traverseth the heaven. I speak what I will to his spirit body. He is strong  and cometh into being wven as he spoke. Thou meetest him face to face. Prepare thou for me all the ways which are good and which lead to thee.

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