Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Enneagram

1. The peacemaker
2. The idealist
3. The helper
4. The acheiver
5. The individualist
6. The invesyigator
7. The loyalist
8. The enthusiast
9. The challenger

Human as an Another God

1. The physical body.
2. Vital principle life force.
3. Subtle ethereal counterpart of the physical body.
4. Grosser desires and passions.
5. The mind linked with the individuality with the personality.
6. Essential active universal life together with manas.
7. One universal life.

Woman of Worth

A woman of worth.
Far beyond jewels is her value.
Her husband trusts her judgement.
He does not lack income.
She brings him profit, not loss all the days of her life.
She seeks out wool, flax and weaves with skillful hands.
Like a merchant fleet.
She secures her provisions from afar.
She rises while its still night and distributes food to her household.
She picks out a field and aquires it.
From her earnings.
She plants a vine yard.
She girds herself with strength.
She exerts her arms with vigor.
She enjoys the profit from her dealings.
Her lamp is never extinguished at night.
She puts her hands to the distaff and her fingers ply the spindle.
She reaches out her hands to the poor and extends her arms to the needy.
She is not concerned for her household when it snows.
All her charges are doubly clothed.
She makes her own coverlets, fine linen and purple are her clothing.
Her husband is prominent at the city gates.
As he sits with the elders of the land.
She makes garments and sells them and stocks the merchants with belts.
She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs at the days to come.
She opens her mouth in wisdom.
Kindly instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed.
Her husband to praises her.
Many are the women  of power worth.
But you have excelled them all.
Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting.
The women who avenge is to be praised.
Acclaim her for the work of her hands and let her deeds praise her at the city gates.


To my words be attentive.
To my sayings incline your ear.
Let them not slip from your sight.
Keep them within your heart.
For they are life to those who find them.
Bringeth health to ones whole being.
With all your vigilance guard your heart.
For in it are the sources of life.
Dishonest mouth put away from you.
Deceitful lips put far from you.
Let your eyes look straight ahead and your gaze be focused forward.
Survey the path for your feet and all your ways will be sure.
Turn neither to the right nor to the left.
Keep your feet far from evil

Satanic Law

This will be the Satanic Law.
As you enter in.
While withdrawing and securing the spell craft.
Throw some silver into the well.
Drugs and dances enhances the trance.
Helping the willed with vervain and dill.
Depend not upon a clock.
Persistency always persues success.
When no one persues, the guilty ones flees.
Shared power is lost power.
In secret seek your enemies.
Things are thoughts.
Whatever a man thinks.
So he is.
No one person can accomplish all.
Danger is a way to overcome another danger.
The past is fixed.
The future may become bent.
Confusion follows when communication fails.
Mortal man cannot understand somethings.
Man only accepts simplicity of such.
Go where the angels fear to walk.
The dark gods and dark goddesses will be with you.
You become big by thinking big.
Trust and love is the passwords.
Be at home everywhere in the universe.
You will get trapped if you fear of getting trapped.
So fear not and you won't.
When you think that you are alone.
Is when you are not alone.
The forerunner of failure is fear.
So fear not.
When the moon is round.
You shall abound by luck.
You shall find what you seek.
In the ground, the sky, the sea and the space.

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Great Satanic Rite

Help me to build.
As I will.
An altar.
From the days of beginning.
There does it lay.
At the sky point.
There was it placed.
Lilith embraced.
Yaldabaoth taught Lilith the word.
Lilith's womb was quickened.
Lilith's tomb was conquered.
Lilith's shrine we adore.
The feast was given.
The cauldron gave life.
The spear went upwards.
Lilith the divine.
The noon of night is your reign.
Lilith the above realms.
I love and have your image.
Powerful rays of the silver moon.
The bud has broken from the great leaf.
The flowers has sprung from the seed.
Blood is the courses of life.
The fire is leaping by the rushing of the winds.
The earth from its water.
Pours the wine of desire.
Into the cauldron of rebirth.
The secretly stranged vision was seen as a vision.
That reared up as twin pillars.
In beauty and strength.
The mysteries had manifested from the altar.
Within the centre of the circle at the sacred point.
Of old I sign.
Anointing your lips with my kisses.
Open the secret way.
The intelligent pathway.
Nightly and daily beyond the gates.
Senses and time is beyond the bounds.
Beholding the mysteries.
Of the five points of the fellowship.
Uniting the cauldron and the spear.
With lips, breasts, knees and feet.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Satanic Rede

You must obey the Satanic Rede.
With love and trust.
Live and let live.
Form a circle three times around you.
To keep out the unwanted spirits.
Bind the spell everytime.
In rhyme let the words be spoken.
The eye of the torch.
Little speak, more listening.
The waxing moon goes by clockwise.
Sing and dance the Satanic Rune.
The waning moon goes by counter clockwise.
Chant yourself a baneful tune.
When Lilith's moon is new.
Kiss her hand twice.
When the moon is at its highest peaks.
Seek your heart's desires.
When the south wind comes.
By love you will be kissed on the mouth.
When the east wind blows.
Set the feast for the new.
Take caution at the north wind's gale.
Trim the curtains and lock the doors.
When the west wind blows.
There will be no rest for the souls.
In the cauldron burn nine woods.
Burn them slowly.
Lilith's tree is the elder.
You will be cursed if you burn it.
Wind the wind turns.
Yaldabaoth's fire will burn.
When the wheel of skulls turn.
The yule log will be lit.
Yaldabaoth Rules.
Take caution of the flowers, bushes and trees.
Bless you will be by Lilith.
When the waters flow.
Throw a stone.
The truth you will know.
When you have or hold a need.
Listen not to other's greed.
No season spend your time with no fool.
Or count him as a friend.
Meet and depart.
The facial cheeks will turn bright red.
With a warm heart.
The threefold law you should remember.
Three times evil and three times good.
When a misfortune becomes known.
Wear a star upon your eyebrow.
Wherever you go walk in truth.
Unless your love will be proven false.
By the sun life will be won.
By the moon changes will be done.
Through free will clear a path.
Make your mind still.
Innerlight makes good tools.
Wisdom sight is good magic.
If it harms none, do whatever you will.
It fulfills the Satanic Rede.

The Satanist

The things that you do need.
O Satanist.
Is a will, an imagination and faith.
Then the locked doors will become opened.
Then the never told secrets you shall learn.
You are son young, less bold, will dared and a so easy yes.
With the lack of no imagination.
That is filled with faith.
It is not to strong for the young.
That you will have enough.
By that you shall sing.
You must keep silent and be quietly stilled.
About all the works that is done.
Through the dark gods and through the dark goddesses.
Always take caution of this.
If this is the way that you would want to learn.
The dark gods and the dark goddesses are of the ancient wisdom.
Harm no one and do whatever it is that you will do.
That this is the price that you will win.
By every seven deeds that you have done.
Expect twenty one payments to get back.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Satanist' Rune

Shining moon of the dark night.
Listen to the Satanist's Rune.
To the south, then to the east.
To the north, then to the west.
I have come to call thee forth.
Through the fire, then through the air.
Through the earth, then through the water.
Work my desires.
By the wand, then by the athame.
By the pentacle, then by the cup.
Listen to my words.
By the spear, then by the sword.
By the shield, then by the cauldron.
Awaken all into my life.
The Satanist's Blade of Power.
Manifest as the charm is made.
The Dark Gods and the Dark Goddesses.
Lend your help unto my dark crafts.
By your magical rite.
Work my will.
By the powers of the land, the powers of the sea and the powers of the space.
It will do.
So it is done.
By the might of the moon and of the sun.
Be it done as the dark craft has been chanted.

Dracula Rite of the Vampire

Dracula. I invoke thee.
Dracula. I summon thee.
Dracula. I conjure thee.
Come forth Dracula and manifest thyself.
Within this body.
Within this temple.
Which I have prepared.
Open wide the gates of the underworld.
That I may crossover and become like you.
Contact refers to you using your astral body to contact the astral body of another human.
Your astral body must penetrate into the astral body of another human.
To be able to absorb the other being life force.
With penetration it actually withdraws the life force of the other human into you.
But withdraw your astrsl body from the other human astrsl body before consuming the last life force which causes physical death to the other human physical body.

Lycanthropy Rite of the Werewolf

Put on the werewolf costume.
Sit down and close your eyes.
Clear your mind and meditate upon the qualities of the werewolf.
Become aware of your desires to be a werewolf and let that desires to be a werewolf grow strongly.
Examine the stressors in your life and let the stressors that you feel fuel your desires to become a werewolf.
Visualize a werewolf standing behind you, see it, feel it and conjure this image.
Lycanthropy. I invoke thee.
Lycanthropy. I summon thee.
Lycanthropy. I conjure thee.
Come forth Lycanthropy and manifest thyself.
Within this body.
This temple which I have prepared.
Open wide the gate to the underworld.
That I may cross and become like you.
When you feel the werewolf, see it step into your body, see your form become the werewolf.
Get up and move like the werewolf, act like the werewolf, become the werewolf in thought and action.
If the moon is in view, it can act as a powerful focus point.
As you are acting like the werewolf, find the dominant emotion that you are feeling and try to strengthen it, feel yourself transform completely, you are now the werewolf, your body will use  itself in a manner that you are not used to.
When you are ready to return to your normal human state.
Just sit down, seperate yourself from the werewolf.
Take on your normal consciousness.

Pistis Sophia Gives Birth to Yaldabaoth and the Creation Myth

Chaos comes from a shadow that has been called darkness. The shadow comes from something existing from the begining. Sophia flowed out of Pistis. With the wish that something should come into being like the light that first existed. Immediately her wish appeared as a heavenly likeness with an incomprehensible greatness. Pistis came and appeared over the matter of chaos. Which was cast off like an aborted fetus. Since there was no spirit in it. When Pistis saw what came into being from her defiancy. She was disturbed. The disturbance appeared as something frightful and it fled to her in chaos. She turned to it and breathed into its face in the abyss. Whuch is beneath the heavens. Pistis Sophia wanted to cause the thing that had no spirit to be formed into a likeness and rule over matter and over all its powers. A ruler first appeared out of the out of the waters. Like a lion like in the appearance and serpentous. With great authority within himself but ignorant of once he came into being. When Pistis Sophia saw him moving in the depth of the waters. She said to him. Youth pass over here. Which is interpreted as Yaldabaoth. Yaldabaoth is ignoramt of the power of Pistis. He did not see her face. But he saw in the water the likeness that spoke with him and from that voice he called himself Yaldabaoth. But some called him Arial because he was like a lion and after he came to possess authority over matter. Pistis Sophia withdrew up to her light. When the ruler saw his greatness. He saw only himself. He saw nothing else. Except water and darkness. His thought was made complete by means of the word and it appeared as a spirit moving to and fro over the waters and when it appeared. The ruler seperated the water substance to one region and the dry substance to another region. From matter he creared a dwelling place for himself and called it heaven and from matter the ruler created a footstool and called it earth.

Various Dark Gods and Dark Goddesses Invocation

............... I invoke thee.
............... I summon thee.
............... I conjure thee.
Come forth ................. and manifest thyself.
Within this temple.
Which I have prepared.
Open wide the gate to the underworld.
That I may cross and become like you.

The Four Crowned Princes of Hell Invocation

To the the south. I call into the fire.
Samjaza. I invoke thee.
Samjaza. I summon thee.
Samjaza. I conjure thee.
Come forth Samjaza and manifest thyself.
Within this temple.
Which I have prepared.
Open wide the gates to the underworld.
That I may cross and become like you.

To the east. I call into the air.
Kasbeel. I invoke thee.
Kasbeel. I summon thee.
Kasbeel. I conjure thee.
Come forth Kasbeel and manifest thyself.
Within this temple.
Which I have prepared.
Open wide the gates to the underworld.
That I may cross and become like you.

To the north. I call into the earth.
Penemue. I invoke thee.
Penemue. I summon thee.
Penemue. I conjure thee.
Come forth Penemue and manifest thyself.
Within this temple.
Which I have prepared.
Open wide the gates to the underworld.
That I may cross and become like you.

To the west. I call into the water.
Tabaet. I invocate thee.
Tabaet. I summon thee.
Tabaet. I conjure thee.
Come forth Tabaet and manifest thyself.
Within this temple.
Which ibhave prepared.
Open wide the gates to the underworld.
That I may cross and become like you.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

My Guardian Demon

My guardian demon. I invoke thee.
My guardian demon. I summon thee.
My guardian demon. I conjure thee.
Come forth my guardian demon and manifest thyself.
Within this temple.
Which I have prepared.
Open wide the gate to the underworld.
That I may cross and become like you.

The Lords Prayer Backwards


Renouncing and Proclaimation

I renounce god.
I renounce jesus christ.
I renounce the holy spirit.
I renounce virgin mary.
I renounce the twelve apostles.
I renounce the roman catholic church.
I proclaim that Satan is the most dark and powerful Prince of this Earth.
I proclaim that Satan is my King.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tools for Rituals

Dress in black, black hooded shirt.
Trapezoid shaped altar 3ft high 6ft long.
Symbol of Baphomet.
5 candles.
Sword to point at each cardinal point. While recalling the respective four crowned princes of hell. To place the parchments into the burning candle and to hold it while its burning.
Parchments to write your petition on.
Curses placed on the right. Blessings placed on the left.
Dagger is used for pointing at Baphomet and tracing the sigil. Also to draw blood.
Incense is used to set the mood for the ritual.
Circle is the projection of the desires of self.
Black scrying mirror is to gain access to the astral plane as a gateway. To communicate with the entities and to project during the rites in the spirit form

Instructions Preparing for a Ritual

Stand facing the altar and the symbol of Baphomet.
The altar should be against the west side of the wall.
The solo performer follows the instructions for the high priest or magus.
Dress for ritual.
Assemble the devices for the ritual.
Turning counter clockwise. Point with the sword at each cardinal point and recall forth the respectable four crowned princes of hell.
Invocation to Satan.
Personalize the ritual.
Read outloud your petition.
Wrap your petition and send it off to the receipient of your working.
Drink from chalice.

Performances of a Ritual

The ingredients in performing a ritual is 1. Desire 2. The proper timing 3. The accumilation in a direction of a force towards an effeftive end 4. The balance factor in the practice of ritual magic.
Meditation, concentration.
Chants, spells, invocations.
Projection of the astral body, trancing.
Incenses, wine.
Blood control, use of cords.
The great rite.
Define the goal of the work in the simpliest way.
Research the rite.
Compose the rite in full detail.
Rehearse the rite.
Record the details.
Observe the effects of the works.
Review your journal.
Revise your work.
Learn as much as you can about the dark gods and dark goddesses you intend to invoke.
Gather has much correspondence to the dark gods and the dark goddesses as possible.
Begin the ritual after purification and attuning your mind.
Cast the circle and call the four quarters of the earth.
Follow ritual precisely.
Present your petition.
Then end your ritual.
Write your owm dismisal.
Close the circle.
Dismiss the dark gods and the daek goddesses you have called.
Consult the means of devination that appeals to you.
Be sure everything you need is at hand.
Raise the power.
Sit quietly and focus on the goal.
Visualize it as it is already come to be.
Ground any left over energy.

Body Composition


The Sabbath Days

Spring equinox - march 20
Summer solstice - june 20
Autumn equinox - september 22
Winter solstice - december 21

Ones own birthdate

Flowers and Stones of Month

January - garnet - carnation
February - amethyst - violet
March - jasper - jonquil
April - diamond - sweet pea
May - emerald - lily of the valley
June - pearl - rose
July - ruby - larkspur
August - sardonyx - gladiola
September - sapphire - aster
October - opal - calendula
November - topaz - chrysanthemum
December - turquoise - narcissus

The Black Zodiacs

The tyrant - head - male - fire - sun, mercury
The fallen demon - neck - female - earth - sun, venus
The basilisk - arms - male - air - sun, mars
The serpent - breast - female - water - sun, jupiter
The war maiden - heart - male - fire - sun, saturn
The maelstrom - bowels - female - earth - sun, uranus
The ravening dog - loins - male - air - moon, neptune
The poisoned dart - excretions - female - water - moon, pluto
Orphechius - male, female - water, fire - moon, pluto, mercury
The Temptest - thighs - male - fire - moon, mercury
The leviathan - knees - female - earth - moon, venus
The horned beast - shins - male - air - moon, mars
The sword - feet, female, water - moon, jupiter

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Secrets

The secret of the stone, is foundation. Keep it sound.
The secret of the sword, is inspiration. Turn your face to it.
The secret of the spear, is passion. Rule it with law.
The secret of the cauldron, is peace. Always keep it innermost always.
The secret of the centre, is not mine to tell. The word is still unheard

The Four Gate Guardians of the Four Quarters of the Earth

Samjaza - lord of fire - the south - fire is the power of will and desires - sun, mars, jupiter - summer solstice - red - wand, spear - gold, iron, tin - sunday, tuesday, thursday - +, 9, 3
Kasbeel - lord of air - the east - air is the power of the spirit and the mind - jupiter, mercury, venus - spring equinox - yellow - athame, sword - copper, tin, quicksilver - thursday, friday, wednesday - 3, 5, 6
Penemue - lord of earth - the north - earth is matter and is the world which all must imcarnate - venus, saturn - winter solstice - green - pentacle, shield - copper, lead - wednsday, saturday - 6, 8
Tabaet - lord of water - the west - water is the power of subconscious and the darkest instincts - venus, moon, saturn, mercury - autumn equinox - blue - cup, cauldron - quicksilver, lead, silver - wednsday, monday, saturday, friday - 6, 2, 7, 8, 5

The Planets

Sun - orange, yellow - + - gold - sunday - spiritual being.
Moon - yellow, sea green - 2, 7 - silver - monday - animal soul.
Saturday - dark brown, black - 8 - water - saturday
Jupiter - violet, purple - 3 - tin - air - thursday.
Mars - scarlet, crimson - 9 - iron - fire - tuesday - male body.
Venus - pale blue, turquoise - 6 - copper - earth - wednesday - female body.
Mercury - indigo, dark blue - 5 - quicksilver - friday - body - terrestrial soul.
Uranus - gray, black, white - uranium.
Neptune - pale blue, scarlet - lead.
Earth - humam soul.

The Moon

The moon 18 - Lucifer 15 - Death 13.

Shugara - The moon 18 - Deofel / Nocturnus 15 - Death / Nythra - 13.

Physis - Ga Wath Am 0 - Change - Nekalah 8 - War / Abatu 16.

The fool 0 - Change 8 - The tower 16.


The lovers / Kara Samsu 6 - Hel / Aosoth 14 - The star / Nemicu 17.

The lovers 6 -:Hel 14 - The star 17.


Azoth / Satanas 7 - Opfer / Vindex 12 - The master / Atazazoth 5.

Azoth 7 - The hanged man 12 - The masters 5.


The magician / Binan Ath 1 - Lord of earth / Kthunae 4 - The herm / Sauroctonas 9.

The magician 1 - Lord of earth 4 - The hermit 9.


Desire / Lidagon 11 - Mistress of earth / Davcina 3 - High Priestess / Mactoron 2.

Desire 11 - Mistress of earth 3 - The high priestess 2.


Wyrd / Azanigin 10 - The sun / Vepecula 19 - Aeon / Naos 20.

Wyrd 10 - The sun 19 - The Aeon 20

Egyptian Text

I am the mighty one who createth his own light. I have come unto thee O Osiris and purified from that which defileth thee. I adore thee. Lead on. Do not mention the name of Rastau to me. Homage to thee. O Osiris. In thy might and in thy strength in Rastau. Rise up and conquer O Osiris. Thou goest round about heaven. Thou sailest in the presence of Ra. Thou lookest upon all the beings who have knowledge. Hail Ra. Thou who goest round about in the sky. I say. O Osiris. In truth. That I am the spirit body of the God and I beseech thee not to let me be driven away. Nor to be cast upon the wall of blazing fire. Let the way be opened in Rastau. Let the pain of thee Osiris be relieved. Embrace that which the balance hath weighed. Let a path be made for thee Osiris in the great valley and let thee Osiris have light to guide him on his way.
He sitteth to carry out his heart's desire and weighed words as the second Thoth. The strength which protecteth Thoth humbleth the hidden Maati Gods. Who fed upon Maat during the years of their lives. I offer up myn offerings to him at the moment when he maketh his ways. I advance and I enter on the path. O grant thou that I may continue to advance and that I may attain the sight of Ra and of those who offer up their offerings.
I am he who is hidden in the great deep. I am the judge. I have come and I have done away the offensive thing which was upon Osiris. I tie firmly the place on which he standeth. Coming forth. I have establish things. I have opened up a way through Rastau and I releived the pain which was in Osiris. I have balanced the place where thee standeth and I have made a path for him. He shineth brilliant in Rastau.
I am the bull. The son of the ancestress of Osiris. I grant ye that his father. The lord of his God like companions. May bear witness on his behalf. I have weighed the guilty in judgement. I have brought unto his nostrils the life which is everlasting. I am the son of Osiris. I have accomplished the journey. I have advanced.
I have brought unto thee the jawbone in Rastau. I have brought unto thee the backbone of Anu. I have gathered together his manifold members thereign. I have driven back Apep for thee. I have spit upon the wounds in his body. I have made myself a path among you. I am the aged one among the Gods. I have made offerings to Osiris. I have defended him with the word of truth. I have gsthered together his bones and have collected all his members.
I have come daily. I have come nightly. I have made myself a way. I have advanced over that which was created by Anubis. I am the Lord of the Urrt Crown. I am the possessor of the knowledge of the words of power. I am the avenger according to law. I have avenged the injury to his eye. I have defended Osiris. I have accomplished my journey. The Osiris Ani advanceth with you with the word which is truth.
I have come unto thee. O Osiris. Being purified from foul emissions. Thou goest round about heaven. Thou seest Ra. Thou seest the beings who have knowledge. Hail. Thou one. Behold. Thou art in the Sektet Boat which traverseth the heaven. I speak what I will to his spirit body. He is strong  and cometh into being wven as he spoke. Thou meetest him face to face. Prepare thou for me all the ways which are good and which lead to thee.

Monday, February 20, 2017

The Eleven Hours

First hour, Ushemet Hatu Khefti Ra
Second hour, Shesat Maket Neb S
Third hour, Thenten Baiu
Fourth hour, Urt Em Sekhemu Set
Fifth hour, Sem Her Ab Uaa S
Sixth hour, Mesperiti Ar Maat
Seventh hour, Khesef Hai Heseq Neha Hra
Eighth hour, Nebt Usha
Ninth hour, Mak Neb S
Tenth hour, Tentenit Hesq Khakabu Khessef Em Pert
Eleventh hour, Sebit Neb Uaa Sebiu F

The Eleven Gates

The Gate of Saa Set
The Gate of Agebi
The Gate of Tchetbi
The Gate of Teka Hra
The Gate of Set Em Maat F
The Gate of Akha En Maat
The Gate of Set Hra
The Gate of Ab Ta
The Gate of Sethu
The Gate of Am Netu F
The Gate of Sebi and Reri

Sunday, February 19, 2017

There a Time and Not a Time for Everything

There is an appointed time for everything and every affair under the heavens.
A time to give birth and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to uproot the plant.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build.
A time to weep and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them.
A time to embrace and a time to be far from embraces.
A time to seek and a time to loose.
A time to keep and a time to cast away.
A time to rend and a time to sew.
A time to be silent and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
A time of war and a time of peace.

Love and Beauty

How beautiful you are.
How beautiful you are.
Your eyes are doves behind your veil.
Your hair is like a flock of goats streaming down a mointain.
Your teeth are like a flock of ewes to be shorn that comes up from the washing.
All of them big with twins.
None of them barren. Like a scarlet strand.
Your lips and your mouth.
Like pomegranate halves.
Your cheeks behind your veil.
Like a tower.
Your neck built in courses.
A thousand shields hanging upon it.
All the armor.
Your breast are like two fawns.
Twins of a gazelle.
Feeding among the lillies.
Until the day grows cool and the shadows flee.
You are beautiful in everyway.
There is no flaw in you.
You have ravished my heart.
You have ravished my heart with one glance of your eyes.
How beautiful is your love.
How much better is your love than wine and the frangrance of your perfume than other spices.
Your lips drip honey.
Honey and milk are under your tongue.
Beautiful are you.
Fair as fearsome as celestial visions.
Turn your eyes away from me.
For they stir me up.
Who is this that comes forth like the dawn.
Beautiful as the white moon.
Pure as the blazing sun.
Fearsome as celestial visions.
Set me as a seal upon your heart.
As a seal upon your arm.
For love is strong as death longing is feirce as sheol.
Its arrows are arrows of fire.
Flames of desire.
Deep waters cannot quench love.
Nor rivers sweep it away.
Where one to offer all the wealth of his house for love.
He would be utterly despised.


Pleasant speech multiplies freinds and gracious lips, freindly greetings. Let those who are frendly to you be many, but one in a thousand your confidant. When you gain freinds, gain them through testing and do not be quick to trust them. For there are friends, when it suits them, but they will not be around in time of trouble. Another is a freind who turns into an enemy and tells off the quarrel to your disgrace. Others are freinds table companions, but they cannot be found in time of affliction. When things go well, they are your otherself and lord it over your servants. If disaster comes upon you, they turn against you and hide themselves. Stay away from your enemies and be on guard with your freind. Faithful freinds are a sturdy shelter, whoever finds one finds a treasure. Faithful freinds are beyond price, no amount can balance their worth. Faithful freinds are life saving medicine.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Seven Realms and the Description of the Infernal

The seventh realm where the loftiest in the heart go to the centre.
The sixth realm where the envious go to the centre.
The fifth realm where the convetious go to the centre.
The fourth realm where the lustfull go to the centre.
The third realm where the slothfull go to the centre.
The second realm where the gluttonous go to the centre.
The first realm where the wrathfull go to the centre.

The entrance to the confines of the infernall Charon in his bark. The Minotaur roaring at the approaches of the condemned souls. Souls being aggitated by the impure breath of the evil spirits. Cerberus devouring the souls of gourmands. The avaricious and prodigal condemned to carry their burdens. The envious and angry into the Styx River. The tower and wall of the evil city. In the ditch are those who have sinned against their neighbors. Centaurs shoots arrows at them. Those who have sinned against themselves are tormented by Harpies. Rain of fire for those who have sinned against God. Soul of the tyrant gerion cast into the flames. Debaucheries and corrupters of youth flogged by Devils. Poisonous gulf into which flatterers are plunged. Lake of fire in the cauldrons into which simoniacs are cast. Sorcerers and diviners their faces turned backwards. Bog of boiling pitch for cheats, theives and deceivers. Hypocrites crucified. Perfidious advisors plunged into the flaming ditch. For scandolous persons one holds his head in his hand. Robbers and other criminals tormented by the Centaurs armed with serpents. Alchemists and quacks prey to leprousy. Well of ice for traitors and the ungrateful. Pluto in the midst of a glacier devouring the damned. The holy city of Jerusalem.

Seven Powers of Wrath

1st form is darkness.
2nd form is desire.
3rd form is ignorance.
4th form is excitement of death.
5th form is the kingdom of death.
6th form is the wisdom of the flesh
7th form is the wisdom of wrath


Azazel taught humans to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, made known to humans the metals of the earth, the art of working the metals, making ornaments and bracelets, the use of antimony, beautifying the eyelids, all kinds of costly stones and all coloring tinctures.
Semjaza taught enchantments and root cuttings.
Armaros taught the resolving of the enchantments.
Baraqijal taught astrology.
Kokabiel taught the constellations.
Ezequeel taught the knowledge of the clouds.
Araqiel taught the signs of the earth.
Shamsiel taught the signs of the sun.
Sariel taught the courses of the moon.

Jegon was the one who led all the Sons of God, brought them down to earth and led them to the daughters of the humans.
Asbeel was the one who gave counsel to the Sons of God to marry the daughters of the humans.
Gadreel showed the humans the blows of death, seduced Eve, showed the weapons of death to the humans, the shield, the coat of mail, the sword of battle and all the weapons of death to the humans.
Penemue taught the humans the bitter and the sweet, taught humans the secrets of the wisdom and the instructions to the humans to write with ink and paper.
Kasdeeja he showed the humans all the wicked smittings of the spirits and of the demons, the smittings of the embryo of the womb, that it may pass away, the smittings of the soul, the bites of the serpents, the smittings which befall through the noontide heat and the son of the serpent Tabaet.
Kasbeel was the chief of the oath Bija.
Tabaet taught humans abortion, summoning and making pacts with the demons, out of body experiences, clavoriance and spirit traveling.

The Seven Demons Who Rules the Underworld and Chaos


Litany of His and It

His wisdom contemplates the word.
His teachings expresses it.
His knowledge has revealed it.
His honor is a crown upon it.
His joy agrees with it.
His glory has exalted it.
His image has revealed it.
His rest has received it.
His love has embodied it.
His trust has embraced it.

The Metaphoric Symbols of a Resurrection

The living will die.
The rich become poor.
And kings are overthrown.
All changes.
The world is an illusion.
The resurrection has nothing of this character.
It is the truth standing firm.
It is a revelation of what is and the transformation of things and a transition into freshness.
Incorruptible floods over corruption.
Light rivers down upon the darkness swallowing obscurity.
The phleroma fills the hollow.
These are the symbols and images of resurrection.
The establish its goodness.

Litany of Totalities

The Form is Formless.
The Body of Bodiless.
The Face of the Invisible.
The Word of the Unutterable.
The Mind of the Inconceivable.
The Fountain which flowed from Him.
The Root of Those who are Planted.
And the God of Those who exist.
The Light of Those whom He Illuminates.
The Love of Those whom He Loved.
The Providence of Those.
For whom He Providently Cares.
The Wisdom of Those.
Whom He made Wise.
The Power of Those.
Whom He gives Power.
The Assembly of Those.
Whom He Assembles to Him.
The Revelation of the Things.
Which are Sought after.
The Eye of Those who See.
The Breath of Those who Breathe.
The Life of Those who Live.
The Unity of Those.
Who are Mixed with the Totalities.

Demons with Rulership, Lordship, Powership and Moralityship

Deitharbathos is the ruler over the perception.
Oummae is the ruler over the imagination.
Aachiaram is the ruler over the arrangement.
Riaramnacha is the ruler over the impulse to reaction.
Archendekta is the ruler over the senses.

Phloxopha is the lord over the heatness.
Oroorrothos is the lord over the coldness.
Erimacho is the lord over the dryness.
Athuro is the lord over the wetness.
Onorthochras is the mother of them all.

Ephememphi is the demon of the pleasure.
Yoko is the demon of the desire.
Nenentophni is the demon of the grief.
Blaomen is the demon of the fear.
Esthesis Ouch Epi Ptoe is the mother demon.

Athoth is the power of the goodness.
Eloaios is the power of the forethought.
Astaphaios is the power of the divinity.
Yao is the power of the lordship.
Sabaoth is the power of the kingdom.
Adonin is the power of the jealousy.
Sabbataios is the power of the understanding.

Athoth as a face of a sheep.
Eloaios as a face of a donkey.
Astapha as a face of a hyena.
Yao as a face of a snake with seven heads.
Sabaoth as a face of a snake.
Adonin as a face of an ape.
Sabbataios as a face of flaming fire.
Yaldabaoth has many faces.

Athoth is known as the reaper.
Harmas is known as the jealous eye.
Cain is known as the sun.
Belias is over the depths of the underworld.

If You Become

If you become a human.
A human will love you.
If you become a spirit.
Spirit will unite with you.
If you become a word.
Word will have intercourse with you.
If you become a light.
Light will mingle with you.
If you become one of those above.
Those above will rest on you.
If you become a horse or a donkey or a bull or a dog or a sheep or some other animal wild or tame.
Nor word nor light can love you.
Those above and those within cannot rest in you and you have no part in them.


You have come with knowledge.
That you might forget their forgetfulness.
You have come with recollection.
That you might rebuke their ignorance.
For you descended into  a great ignorance.
But you have not been defiled by anything in it.
For yoy descended into a great mindlessness.
And your recollection remained.
You have walked in mud.
And your garments were not soiled.
And you have not been buried in their filth.
And you have not been caught.
There is in me forgetfulness.
Yet I remember things that is not theirs.
Their is in me.
And I am in their.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Abracadabra Talisman
