Friday, February 24, 2017

Lycanthropy Rite of the Werewolf

Put on the werewolf costume.
Sit down and close your eyes.
Clear your mind and meditate upon the qualities of the werewolf.
Become aware of your desires to be a werewolf and let that desires to be a werewolf grow strongly.
Examine the stressors in your life and let the stressors that you feel fuel your desires to become a werewolf.
Visualize a werewolf standing behind you, see it, feel it and conjure this image.
Lycanthropy. I invoke thee.
Lycanthropy. I summon thee.
Lycanthropy. I conjure thee.
Come forth Lycanthropy and manifest thyself.
Within this body.
This temple which I have prepared.
Open wide the gate to the underworld.
That I may cross and become like you.
When you feel the werewolf, see it step into your body, see your form become the werewolf.
Get up and move like the werewolf, act like the werewolf, become the werewolf in thought and action.
If the moon is in view, it can act as a powerful focus point.
As you are acting like the werewolf, find the dominant emotion that you are feeling and try to strengthen it, feel yourself transform completely, you are now the werewolf, your body will use  itself in a manner that you are not used to.
When you are ready to return to your normal human state.
Just sit down, seperate yourself from the werewolf.
Take on your normal consciousness.

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