Sunday, February 26, 2017

Satanic Rede

You must obey the Satanic Rede.
With love and trust.
Live and let live.
Form a circle three times around you.
To keep out the unwanted spirits.
Bind the spell everytime.
In rhyme let the words be spoken.
The eye of the torch.
Little speak, more listening.
The waxing moon goes by clockwise.
Sing and dance the Satanic Rune.
The waning moon goes by counter clockwise.
Chant yourself a baneful tune.
When Lilith's moon is new.
Kiss her hand twice.
When the moon is at its highest peaks.
Seek your heart's desires.
When the south wind comes.
By love you will be kissed on the mouth.
When the east wind blows.
Set the feast for the new.
Take caution at the north wind's gale.
Trim the curtains and lock the doors.
When the west wind blows.
There will be no rest for the souls.
In the cauldron burn nine woods.
Burn them slowly.
Lilith's tree is the elder.
You will be cursed if you burn it.
Wind the wind turns.
Yaldabaoth's fire will burn.
When the wheel of skulls turn.
The yule log will be lit.
Yaldabaoth Rules.
Take caution of the flowers, bushes and trees.
Bless you will be by Lilith.
When the waters flow.
Throw a stone.
The truth you will know.
When you have or hold a need.
Listen not to other's greed.
No season spend your time with no fool.
Or count him as a friend.
Meet and depart.
The facial cheeks will turn bright red.
With a warm heart.
The threefold law you should remember.
Three times evil and three times good.
When a misfortune becomes known.
Wear a star upon your eyebrow.
Wherever you go walk in truth.
Unless your love will be proven false.
By the sun life will be won.
By the moon changes will be done.
Through free will clear a path.
Make your mind still.
Innerlight makes good tools.
Wisdom sight is good magic.
If it harms none, do whatever you will.
It fulfills the Satanic Rede.

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