Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Fluxious Time through the Alchemical Season

Time is numinous that is of the living beings and the biological not linear of causalty. Therefore time cannot be represented or measured by a fixed causal calendar, solar, lunar or otherwise. The time varies according to physis. That it varies according to the nature, the character of the living  entity that manifests prescences it. There is a variety of different species of time. This our species of time differs from that of the other living entities, beings, emanations, earth dwelling or otherwise. Time is a fluxion. That is time is already inherit in living beings. Part of their physis. Each living being has a fluxion appropriated. Which represents, manifests, presences, its physis and this which is appropriate to, manifest its type and species of life. The linear of time. As a measured by a fixed causal calendar and or as defined by such things as the ratio of distance and velocity of a physical object, its appearances and abstraction not reality. Such linear time this represents only the causal physics, nature of material objects, matter and thus manifests the physics nature of the causal. A fluxion manifests what is a causal. That is how a particuliar living beings changes, develops and manifests. A fluxion has an outer exoteric appearance and an inner esoterical nature physics. The outer appearance is how the being is perceived to change, develop; grow and decay. The inner nature is how the being may, might or could change , develop, grow and decay. By the use of traditional esoteric, alchemical arts and skills. A knowing of this inner nature is a gift of the Rounwytha. This giftian be cultivated by the development and use of esoteric empathy. Since time is a fluxion and alchemical. A Rounwytha may be able to altar change, manipulate and weave time. An alchemical season is a means of measuring, determining, knowing fluxions and this is a means of knowing living beings and how they change or could be changed. This is an alchemical season is often what is the best appropriate season to know, get to know and celebrate particuliar emanations presenced to us as living beings or particuliar, collocations of such beings and or the season to initiate a particuliar change or changes. This season varies according to the nature, species, type of being, living entity, emanation and often differs from individual emanations to individual emanation of each type and species. Knowledge of alchemical seasons is both traditional, aural, found and discovered by each Rounwytha. It is for each Rounwytha to determine the variacity or otherwise of such aural tradition by their own personal knowing. The knowing derives from esoteric empathy. One such collocation of emanation and living beings is nature. This particular collocation contains a wide variety of types of being. Another such collocation of emanations is the cosmos. This particuliar collocation contains entities, life having acausal emanations, acausal being, entities having acausal, acausal emanations, being and entities manifesting causal emanations and causal being. Acausal, causal beings and emanations. Are nexions between the causal and acausal. The beginning and the ending of certain alchemical seasons are often associated with or intimated by certain observed natural or cosmic phenomena. These associations and intimations are often locale, dependent and usually subject to cosmic and aeonic drift. Such observed phenomena include those connected with nature and those connected with heaven bodies and that is with cosmos. Those connected with nature include the behaviour of the earth dwelling living beings, sentient and otherwise the fluxion of nature's season and certain patterns of or certain phenomenon of the weather. Those connected with the cosmos include the observed rhythm of star collocations, constellations, the occultation of sun by moon and of certain stars by moon, the observed rythm of observable planets and the first rising of certain stars above the horizon of the Rounwytha as determined by the fluxion of nature's seasons. Such associations with observed natuaral or cosmic phenomena. Do not mean or imply that such phenomena can use or are the origin of the changes, the fluxion of living beings. Associations, imtimations connected with nature are sometimes known as earth tides. Associations, intimation connected with the cosmos are sometimes known as cosmic tides. Certain alchemical seasons form the natural calendar used by the Rounwytha.

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