Saturday, April 8, 2017

Pathei Mathos

In understanding psyches and in developing various occult faculties. Through a balance between internal esoteric and external exoteric experience, learning to fully know and controlled discipline. In developing and in employing by pathei mathos, by learning from difficult, amoral and challenging practical experiences, personal judgements, becoming and being unique. In understanding true reality, cosmic and personal. That lies behind the causal abstractions human beings have manufactured for millenia and which constrain and control and which have often used to constraint and control others, among such causal abstraction are as mentioned above all religions in all forms of politics and the ideal of the state, the nation and of impersonal laws. In leaving childhood home, this planet and so by discovering and exploring new places by living in new ways by overcoming challenges. Become mature and evolve to become different types of human beings and species.

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