Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Dark Shape Shifters

These dark shape shifters. Need human bodies. Atleast to begin with. They want to live again. To dwell again on earth. To have form and to cease to be formless. To live, to feel, to love and to guide. They came back and they will come back. Dwelling in human bodies. They need humans to begin with. As they believe that human need them. To evolve together a symbiosis. They were here thousands upon a thousands of years ago. At the dawning of consciousness, but they were then unable to complete their work. For there were the others. Who opposes them and who opposed her. The prime nexion. In the beginning and who did their own dark work. Botched changing and whose botched living experiments stayed. They got it wrong. The others wrong. For they produced a strange vindictive and twisted and unstable and mutant brood who survived on earth by their mendacity and ruthless cunning and who made keeping their mutated blood pure into some kind of religion. Those humans were genetically modified by these others. These evil ones and their mutant descendants are among us now. Manipulating, controlling and planning. Slowly they have planned with their ruthless cunning. With the inbred slyness they possesses and over the last hundred years. Especially the last seventy years. They or their agents have seized clandenstine control of our governments. Using the power of money, of the media. Which are both under their control and using the myths, the ideas they have invented to control humans. To manipulate humans not of their own kind. The first stage of their plan is for a world government of control and that is nearing completion. To this end they engineered wars and get some people or mostly their own agents among the humans to do vile things just so they can get governments to react to them and introduce more laws, more measures of control, more repression, more tyranny and all in the double speakname of freedom and democracy, the false idols which their servants and their lackeys worship and obey but which the mutants don't but they have found willing and brutal allies in many lands. They or their agents and allies persecute and torture, hound, revile, discredit, kill, imprisonment on some pretext or other anyone who knows their plans or who sees them for what they are. That is they now have the power. The influence to destroy anyone, any person, any group, any country they want to, to get them out of the way. But the dark shape shifters. From the acausal. Want humans to be genuinely free as evolved individuals. So they have came back as they will come back to liberate the humans from those, the others, the evil ones and their mutant servants. So that humans might evolve and and take their destined places among the stars and particuliarly among the acausal dimensions. The mutant materialistic causally tied  spawn and the others. Have forgotten their origins, lost their true past, don't know who manufactured them, changed them, made them what they were and are but they do fanatically beleive they are chosen, that is they who should, who must, who have been chosen to rule the world and its people. Whatever the humans cost and the misery they caused. They really are the spawn of the evil agents of evil and the dark shape shifters will stop these descedants of the others who cannot ever reach out to, travel among, exists in the timeless blissful realms of the acausal but humans can and can eternally exists there in the acausal when the new symbiosis is complete.

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