Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The 11 Laws..

1st Law - the law of suffering.
2nd Law - the law of sleep.
3rd Law - the law of multiplicity.
4th Law - the law of negativity.
5th Law - the law of identification.
6th Law - the law of internal consideration.
7th Law - the law of confusion.
8th Law - the law of accident.
9th Law - the higher of law of mutual assistance.
10th Law - the law of control.
11th Law - the law of breeding.

If they attack you - Retaliate.

If the oppress you - Rebel.

If the make laws - Teansgress them.

If they make peace - They are lying.

If they seek compromise - Ignore them.

If they seek you as friends or allies - Spurn them.

If they are sad - Laugh.

When they die - Rejoice.

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