Thursday, March 30, 2017

Devil Worship

Curse the enemies. A true enemy is someone that thrives at your expense. Hate thine enemy. Pre dispossessd to loath in the disgraceful race of man. The fire in my eye burnt the unclean creation of a being forged from clay. Let it be known. That only some men were recreated. In the image and the likeness of Yahveh. Thus suffer not man, nor sub human to live. Never hate anything so much that you cannot see it live. Praise the misanthropy of the Devil. Humanism is thine enemy also. The aim of Devil Worship is individuation. It is presatanic existence. Know that one satanic aspect is being as an accuser of other men. Man becomes godly by way of his recognising his ability to force the hand of evolution and his ability to turn the knife towards himself and his brothers. Hail the brothers of the blood and the blood brothers. Evolution is the first satanic act. Art thou actively enanting thine own evolution. An individual divinity is only ever truly realised from within. Hail the Devil, the blood of life and the great chaos. Ones godhood or apotheosis. Can only be espired too through pure blood. One has to have perfect foundations to create something that is truly great. Learn to create and destroy well. Ultimate belief and faith are not required. For diabolic gnosis is the true will of the individual. The Devil requires sincere offerings and belief. Art thou differentiated enough to heart these things. Offer propper the impure blood and flesh of sub humanity. Sacrifice by fire. In honor of hell. The Devil is an eternal God of the Blood and the chaotic hell fire. Havayoth guards the inner enthropic flames, a portion of the absolute chaos. Remember the swastika. Fyrphosphorosophia. The swastika is of the blood of life. Being enflamed by the fire of death and being blessed by the blood of life. Set afire the blood of life ritualistically. The sauvastika is an excess of dead blokd dousing and snuffing the enlightening fires. It is deathly a fitting gift for an enemy. Fundamentalist diabolism is a way of living existing as opposed to abstract ceremonial rituals. True diabolic rituals are mostly improvised. This is your creation. You are your own creation. O fellow suffering being. Devil Worship one is worshipping and honoring that which is pre judeo christian and that which the pro cosmic constantly react against and call the Devil evil. That is a potential for an enlightenment individual to usurp and external god. Diabolic gnosis is the hellish enlightenment of the Devil. The revelation of the true will of the devil unto man.

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