Curse the enemies. A true enemy is someone that thrives at your expense. Hate thine enemy. Pre dispossessd to loath in the disgraceful race of man. The fire in my eye burnt the unclean creation of a being forged from clay. Let it be known. That only some men were recreated. In the image and the likeness of Yahveh. Thus suffer not man, nor sub human to live. Never hate anything so much that you cannot see it live. Praise the misanthropy of the Devil. Humanism is thine enemy also. The aim of Devil Worship is individuation. It is presatanic existence. Know that one satanic aspect is being as an accuser of other men. Man becomes godly by way of his recognising his ability to force the hand of evolution and his ability to turn the knife towards himself and his brothers. Hail the brothers of the blood and the blood brothers. Evolution is the first satanic act. Art thou actively enanting thine own evolution. An individual divinity is only ever truly realised from within. Hail the Devil, the blood of life and the great chaos. Ones godhood or apotheosis. Can only be espired too through pure blood. One has to have perfect foundations to create something that is truly great. Learn to create and destroy well. Ultimate belief and faith are not required. For diabolic gnosis is the true will of the individual. The Devil requires sincere offerings and belief. Art thou differentiated enough to heart these things. Offer propper the impure blood and flesh of sub humanity. Sacrifice by fire. In honor of hell. The Devil is an eternal God of the Blood and the chaotic hell fire. Havayoth guards the inner enthropic flames, a portion of the absolute chaos. Remember the swastika. Fyrphosphorosophia. The swastika is of the blood of life. Being enflamed by the fire of death and being blessed by the blood of life. Set afire the blood of life ritualistically. The sauvastika is an excess of dead blokd dousing and snuffing the enlightening fires. It is deathly a fitting gift for an enemy. Fundamentalist diabolism is a way of living existing as opposed to abstract ceremonial rituals. True diabolic rituals are mostly improvised. This is your creation. You are your own creation. O fellow suffering being. Devil Worship one is worshipping and honoring that which is pre judeo christian and that which the pro cosmic constantly react against and call the Devil evil. That is a potential for an enlightenment individual to usurp and external god. Diabolic gnosis is the hellish enlightenment of the Devil. The revelation of the true will of the devil unto man.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
The torrents of Belial shall reach to all the sides of the world. In all their channels a consuming fire shall destroy every tree, green and barren on their barks until the end of their courses. It shall scourage with flames of fire and shall consume the foundations of the earth and the expanse of dry land. The bases of the mountains shall blaze and the torrents of the pitch. It shall devour as far as the great abyss. The torrents of Belial shall break into Abaddon and the deeps of the abyss shall groan amid the roar of heaving mud. The land shall cry out because of the calamity fallen upon the world and all its deeps shall howl and all those upon it shall rave and shall perish amid the great misfortune.
The 30 Number Aethys
1 - LIL
2 - ARN
3 - ZOM
4 - PAZ
5 - LIT
6 - MAZ
7 - DEO
8 - ZID
9 - ZIP
10 - ZAZ
11 - IKH
12 - LOE
13 - ZIM
14 - UTA
15 - OXO
16 - LEA
17 - TAN
18 - ZEN
19 - POP
20 - KHR
21 - ASP
22 - LIN
23 - TOR
24 - NIA
25 - UTI
26 - DES
27 - ZAA
28 - BAG
29 - RII
30 - TEX
Dark Gods and Dark Goddesses
Noctulius - XV - g minor - petriorchor
Nythra - XIII
Shugara - XVIII - g major
Satanas - VII
Aosoth - XIV - Aosoth
Azanigin - X - b minor
Nekalah - VIII - Nekalah
Ga Wath Am - O - Tetrahedron
Binan Ath - I
Lidagon - XI
Abatu - XVI - f sharp major
Kara Samsu - 12th path - a flat minor
Nemicu - XVII
Mactoron - II - 14th path - a minor
Velpeculo - XIX
Kthunae - IV - Kthunae
Atazoth - V - Atazoth
Vindex - XII
Davcina - III - 19th path
Sauroctonos - IX
Naos - XX
Shaitan - Sulpher - Shaitan - Opal
Athushir - 16th path
Budsturga - 13th path
Gaubni - 2nd path - Nythra
Sapanur - 11th path
Darkat - 10th and 8th paths
Tarot Cards
1 - represents the client.
2 - the predominant influence which is acting against them crossing.
3 - is what is in the distant past which may be an unconsciouns influence over the present.
4 - the recent past and also the subconscious energies.
5 - the present.
6 - the immediate future.
7 - 8 - 9 - the future at intervals.
10 - the outcome.
4 - 6 - 9 - 10 - positive energies flow.
2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 8 - negative energies flow.
3 - 2 - 10 - unconsciouns influences can be made conscious controlled or circumstances altared in a positive way.
5 - 2 - 7 - present will evolve to enable.
10 - to arise conversely how to prevent arising.
1 - are unconscious factors.
2 - 3 - past unconscious becoming more conscious.
4 present.
5 - 6 - immediate future and beyond.
7 - outcome.
1 - 2 - 5 - negative energies.
1 - 3 - 6 - positive energies.
1 - 4 - 7 - what needs to be done to bring or prevent it from arising.
The Four Aces
Wands, Pentacles, Swords, Chalices
2 - 7
2 - Jupiter, 3 - Mars, 4 - Sun, 5 - Venus, 6 - Mercury, 7 - Moon
Major Arcana
0 - The Fool - mercury - Ga Wath Am
1 - The Magician - mars - Binan Ath
2 - The High Priestess - jupiter - Mactoron
3 - Mistress of the Earth - jupiter - Davcina
4 - Lord of the Earth - mars - Kthunae
5 - The Master - sun - Atazoth
6 - The Lovers - venus - Karu Samsu
7 - Azoth - sun - Shaitan
8 - Change - mercury - Nekalah
9 - The Hermit - mars - Sauroctonos
10 - Wyrd - saturn - Azanigin
11 - Desire - jupiter - Lidagon
12 - The Hanged Man - sun - Vindex
13 - Death - moon - Nythra
14 - Hel - venus - Aosoth
15 - Licifer - moon - Noctulius
16 - The Tower - mercury - Abatu
17 - The Star - venus - Nemicu
18 - The Moon - moon - Shugara
19 - The Sun - saturn - Velpecula
20 - The Aeon - saturn - Naos
Saturn - indigo, violet
Jupiter - violet, crimson
Mars - crimson, blue
Sun - orange, gold, red
Venus - green, white, silver
Mercury - yellow, black, blue
Moon - blue, silver, green
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Acausal Spheres Preliminaey Walk
Star Gate - Abstractional Thought - Esoteric
Man Gate - Physis Sction - Exoteric
Chaos - Saturn
Wisdom Wealth - Jupiter
Destruction Sacrifice - Mars
Vision Understanding - Sun
Ecstacy Love - Venus
Indulgeance Transformation - Mercury
Terror and Sinister Knowledge - Moon
Earth Gate - Exoteric
Dark Gate - Esoteric
Tree of Life
Asgard - Saturn
Vanaheim - Jupiter
Liusalbenheim - Mars
Muspelheim - Fire
Midgard - Sun
Schwartzal Benhem - Venus
Jotenheim - Mercury
Nifelheim - Ice
Hel - Moon
Tree of Death
Satan / Molech
Lucifuge Rofocale
3D Temple of the Tree of Wyrd
Demonic Gnosticism
Blood - the existence before essence tempered by potential and tru e will.
The Devil - diabolical gnosis whence ritualstic magic and worship depends on belief of the black sun.
Sophia - wisdom courted by love of wisdom.
Entropy - the numinous aspect of wo / man characterised by free will.
Satan - the essential being becoming Satan, is the wandering spirit, the adversary and the destroyer, the swastica.
Venus - the beauteous sexual being, striving forth, at one with aestheitics, pentagram.
The Sun - as the god and light of the world, being light for vitality, compared to stars.
Lucifer - transcending the sun as god, septagram carrying the light, twelve sig runes.
Baphomet - the culmination of phosphorasophic, into paradox and chaos, chaos star.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
The 11 Laws..
1st Law - the law of suffering.
2nd Law - the law of sleep.
3rd Law - the law of multiplicity.
4th Law - the law of negativity.
5th Law - the law of identification.
6th Law - the law of internal consideration.
7th Law - the law of confusion.
8th Law - the law of accident.
9th Law - the higher of law of mutual assistance.
10th Law - the law of control.
11th Law - the law of breeding.
If they attack you - Retaliate.
If the oppress you - Rebel.
If the make laws - Teansgress them.
If they make peace - They are lying.
If they seek compromise - Ignore them.
If they seek you as friends or allies - Spurn them.
If they are sad - Laugh.
When they die - Rejoice.
Alphabets and Runes
Monday, March 27, 2017
Hermetic Tree of Wyrd
Gedulah - Saturn
Gebhurah - Jupiter
Tiphereth - Mars
Nezach - Sun
Hod - Venus
Jefod - Mercury
Malkuth - Moon
A - Vindex - Saturn
B - Baphomet - Jupiter
C - Alastoros - Mars
D - Oleros - Sun
E - Elutrodes - Venus
F - Lucifer - Mercury
G - Kabeiri - Moon
Odin - Saturn
Frigg - Jupiter
Helmdall - Mercury
Baldar - Sun
Freyja - Venus
Loki - Mercury
Thor - Moon
Moon - Agios Kabeiri - Cirrostratus - Valley - Wolf - Shamanism - Nox - Horned Beast - Dorian - Mode 4 - Petriorchor - Terror, Sinistry Knowledge - Noctulius - Hidden Knowledge - G Major - Trapezoid - Hazel
Mercury - Agios Lucifer - Nimbostratus - Rock Out Crop, Dawn - Hare - Inverted Pentagram - Ceremonial Ritual - Hypodorian, Aeolian - Mode 6 - Sulphur - Indulgence, Transformation - Satan - Lust - E Minor - Tetrahedron - Yew
Venus - Agios Elutrodes - Cirrocumulus - Lake, Lock - White Hind - Hriliu - Dragon - Trance Sex - Mixolydian - Mode 5 - Sandalwood - Ecstacy, Love - Darkat - Enchantment - F Sharp - Pyramid - Black Popular
Sun - Agios Olenos - Stratocumulus - Cave - Lizard - Lux ' Eagle - Oracle, Dance - Hypolydia - Modes 7, 8 - Oak - Vision, Understanding - Karu Samsu - Prophecy, Revelation - D Minor - Cuboid - Oak
Mars - Agios Alastoros - Cumulonimbus - Moorland, Hearth - Frog - Azif - Inverted Septegon - Sacrifice - Hypophrygian, Ionian - Mode 3 - Musk - Destruction - Shugara - Death - C Major - Octahedron - Alder
Jupiter - Agios Baphomet - Cumulus - River, Dusk - Salmon - Azoth - Star Game - Lydia - Mode 1 - Civit - Wisdom, Wealth - Davcina - Success - B Flat - Icosahedron - Beech
Sataurn - Agios Vindex - Altostratus - Mountains, Dusk - Eagle - Chaos - Phrygian - Mode 2 - Henbane - Vindex - Disruption - A Flat - Dodecahedron - Ash
Petriochor - Sirius - Blue, Silver
Sulphur - Arcturus - Yellow, Black
Sandlewood - Mira - Green, White
Oak - Antares - Orange, Gold
Musk - Rigel - Red, Blue
Civit - Deneb - Violet, Crimson
Henbane - Naos - Indigo, Purple
Calcimation - Nox - Aries - Night
Seperation - Satan - Scorpio - Indulgence
Cogulation - Hriliu - Ecstacy
Putrefaction - Lux - Vision
Sublimation - Azif - Libra - Blood
Fermentation - Azoth - Capricorn
Exaltation - Chaos - Thought
C - Bright Red
G - Orange
D - Yellow
A - Green
E - Blue
F - Dark Red
B - Indigo
F Sharp - Violet
C Sharp - Purple
A Flat - Black
E Flat - Xanthin
B Flat - Tyrian Purple
Satanist Creed
Hear now the wisdom of Satan.
The knowledge he whispers in the night.
When darkness was our destined path works.
That now we bring into the light.
The wide ranging air, the earth, fire and the mysterious water.
By hidden quintessence.
We know them and will keep silent and daring.
The birth and the rebitth of all nature.
The passing of spring and winter.
We share with the universal life.
By rejoicing in a magical ring.
Four timed in a year.
The great sabbats returns and Satan is seen.
When daytime and nighttime are equal.
When the sun is at its great and least.
The four lesser sabbats are summoned and satanists gather and feast.
Thirteen silver moons in a year.
Thirteen is Satan's number.
Thirteen times at Esbat.
Make happiness.
For each golden year and a day.
The power that was passed down through the ages.
Each time between woman and man.
Each century unyo the other.
Everytime as the ages began.
When drawing the magical circle.
By the sword or the athame of power.
It encompssses between the two worlds that lays.
In the land of shadows for that hour.
This world has no right then to know it and the world of beyond will tell nothing.
The oldest of the dark gods and the darj goddesses are invoked there.
The great workings of magic is wrought.
For two iscthe mystical pillars.
That stand at the gate of the shrine and two is the power of nature.
That forms the forces of divine.
The darkness and the light is succession.
The opposites of each unto each.
Shown forth as a dark god and a dark goddess.
Of this our ancestors teach.
By night he is the wild wind's rider.
Satan, the Prince of Darkness.
By day he is the King of this Earth.
The dweller in the universe.
Baphomet is youthful or old as she is pleased.
Baphomet sails the torn clouds with her soaring dragon wings.
Baphomet at midnight.
Weaves the spellcrafts of darkness.
Satan and Baphomet of satanic magic.
That dwells in the deepening of the minds.
Immortality and ever renewing.
With power to free or to bind.
So drink the elixer of the dark gods and the dark goddesses and make love in their understanding.
Till Satan's land shall receive us.
In peace at the end of our days and do whatever you will shall be the challenge.
So be it in love.
For this is the only law.
By magic of ancient.
So be it done.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Candle Magic
White - spiritual and peace
Red - health, energy, strength, courage and sexual potency
Pink - love, affection and romance
Yellow - intellectualism, imagination, memory and creativity
Green - fertility, abundance, good luck and harmony
Blue - inspiration, occult wisdom, protection and devotion
Purple - material wealth, higher psychic, ability, spiritual power and idealism
Silver - clairvoyance inspiration, astral energy and intuition
Orange - ambition, career matters, the law
Letters of Power
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.
J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R.
S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Ritual Incenses
Circle Incense
4 part frankincense
2 part myrrh
2 part benzoin
1 part sandalwood
Half part cinnamon
Half part rose petals
Quarter part vervain
Quarter part rosemary
Quarter part bay
Altar Incense
3 part frankincense
2 part myrrh
1 part cinnamon
Full Moon Ritual Incense
2 parts sandalwood
2 part frankincense
Half part gardenia petals
Quarter part rose petal
Few drops ambergris oil
Spring Sabbat Incense
3 part frankinsence
2 part sandalwood
1 part benzoin
1 part cinnamon
A few drops patchouly oil
Fall Sabbat Oil
3 part frankinsence
2 part myrrh
1 part rosemary
1 part cedar
1 part juniper
Sabbat Oil
3 part patchouli
2 part musk
1 part carnation
2 part frankinsence
1 part myrrh
1 part carnation
1 part all spice
Full Moon Oil
4 part gardenia
2 part lotus
1 part jasmine
3 part sandalwood
2 part lemon
1 part rose
Goddess Oil
3 part rose
2 part gerdenia
1 part lemon
1 part lotus
1 part ambergris
2 part frankinsence
2 part cinnamon
1 part bay
1 part rosemary
1 part musk
4 part frankinsence
3 part myrrh
1 part galangal
1 part vervain
1 part lavendar
Satanic Ballad
I have been beyond the acausal,
Where nightshades are dark and cells grow
And I have heard and I have seen,
What righteous folks would fear to know.
I have heard.
In the still of the midnight,
Upon a far hilltop.
From a note that echoed throughout the darkness,
The sound of the heathen's horn
And I have seen the fire ablaze
And the glittering of a magical sword,
And within the inner eye I beheld.
Yaldabaoth, the sabbat's king.
I drank the elixer and broke the seal
And drank in Baphomet's name.
I linked my hands together to make a ring
And laughed and leaped the star game.
Little what the townsfolk wreck,
When they lay in their beds.
Beyond the universe, beneath the stars,
A merry go around of dread
And around the circle had spunned,
Until the gates spranged open,
That the bars of the boundaries it's courses,
From the spiritual realms that shines far.
I have been and i have seen,
In the magical worlds to other places.
For all in the world may praise or blame,
For the banned or blessings naught I care.
For I have been beyond the universe.
Where meadows are sweet and roses grow
And there is such music that I did hear,
As the world of righteous shall never know.