Monday, August 21, 2017

Astrology through Regular Playing Cards

The Meanings of the Cards  Ace: The home, love, friendship, joy the start of a romance. A love letter. Two: Success and prosperity. An engagement or partnership. Three: You need to be cautious. Don't say something you'll regret. Four: A change, a journey or a move of house/business. A late marriage. Five: Jealous people around you. Take your time to make any decisions. Six: Unexpected good luck. Someone helping you out. Seven: An unfaithful or unreliable person. Broken promises. Eight: Visits and visitors. Invitations out or attending a party. Nine: The wish card. Dreams come true. Ten: Good luck and happiness. Jack: A close friend or a good-natured, fair-haired youth. Queen: A kindly fair-haired woman. King: A good-natured, fair-haired man. Good advice.  Ace: A ring or present of jewellery. News about money. A letter. Two: A love affair attracting disapproval from others. A business partnership. Three: Legal problems, domestic arguments. A legal letter. Four: An inheritance. Improvements in finances. Five: Success in business. Happy family. Six: Problems in a second marriage. Seven: Surprise news or a gift. Problems and losses at work. Eight: A marriage and travel late in life. Financial ups and downs. Nine: Surprise with money. New business opportunities. Restlessness. Ten: Money and travel highlighted. Fortunate changes. Jack: A relative. A very fair-haired youth. Watch out for dishonesty or unreliability. Queen: A woman who loves to party and to gossip. A flirt. A very fair-haired woman. King: A stubborn and influential man. A very fair-haired man.  Ace: Wealth, health, love and happiness. A letter concerning money. Two: Gossip. Disappointments and opposition. Three: Marriage to a wealthy partner. Money coming from the partner. Four: Changes for the worse. Lies and betrayal. Five: New friends and a successful marriage. Help from friends. Six: Business success. Getting financial help. Seven: Prosperity and success. Be careful of trouble coming from a person of the opposite sex. Eight: Trouble in relationships, business and personal. Jealousy and greed. Nine: Achievements. A new lover or admirer. Don't be stubborn. Ten: Unexpected money coming in. Good luck. Travel abroad. Jack: A reliable friend. A dark-haired youth. Queen: An attractive, self-confident woman. A dark-haired woman. King: An honest, generous and affectionate man. A dark-haired man.   Ace: Emotional conflict, obsession, death. Things coming to a head. Two: Separation, gossip and deceit. Difficult changes. Three: Unfaithfulness and partings. Be wary in partnerships. Four: Illness. Business and money worries. Broken promises. Five: Happy home but interference from other people. Reversals and opposition but eventual success. Six: Small improvements. Seven: Loss of friendship or loss of a friend. An unexpected burden. A warning against losses and sorrow. Eight: Trouble and disappointment. Plans go awry. Friends let you down. Cancellations. Nine: Bad luck in all things. Depression and low energy. Destruction, deaths. Extreme anxiety. Ten: Misfortune and worry. Imprisonment. Unwelcome news. Jack: A well-meaning but immature and unreliable youth. A very dark-haired youth. Queen: A widow. An unscrupulous woman. A very dark-haired woman. King: An ambitious and authoritative man. A very dark-haired man. Joker: (optional) New developments, fresh starts, taking a risk. You can also experiment with adding your own meanings to the cards. This is perfectly acceptable. Experience will show you new meanings along the way. The key to successful divination is to believe in your own meanings and remain consistent.

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